87 Kan. 792

The State of Kansas, Appellant, v. Alfred Ackenhausen, Appellee.

No. 17,741.

Appeal from Leavenworth district court.

Opinion filed July 6, 1912.


John S. Dawson, attorney-general, and Lee Bond, county attorney, for the appellant.

A. E. Dempsey, and F. P. Fitzwilliam, both of. Leavenworth, for the appellee.

James G. Sheppard, of Ft. Scott, as amicus curise.

Per Curiam:

This case is submitted with The State v. Coppage, ante, p. 752, On the trial the court sustained a motion to quash the information oh the ground that the statute making the acts charged unlawful and criminal is void. On the authority of the Coppage case the order of the court and judgment dismissing the action is reversed, and the case is remanded with instructions to set aside the order and judgment and proceed to trial.

State v. AckenHausen
87 Kan. 792

Case Details

State v. AckenHausen
Decision Date
Jul 6, 1912

87 Kan. 792




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