4 Cust. Ct. 443

Before the Second Division,

April 16, 1940

No. 43498.

Protests 963182-G, etc., of American Import Co. et al. (San Francisco) .

*444Opinion by

Kincheloe, J.

In accordance with stipulation of counsel and on the authority of United States v. Penn (27 C. C. P. A. 242, C. A. D. 93) the cocoa fiber pile mats in question were held dutiable at 90 percent under paragraph 1529 (a) as claimed.

Protests 963182-G of American Import Co.
4 Cust. Ct. 443

Case Details

Protests 963182-G of American Import Co.
Decision Date
Apr 16, 1940

4 Cust. Ct. 443

United States



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