4 A.D.2d 997

(November 26, 1957)

In the Matter of the Claim of Nicholas Ferencz, Respondent, against Noma Electric Corp. et al., Appellants. Workmen’s Compensation Board, Respondent.

Decision of this court handed down November 15, 1957 (ante, p. 974) with respect to ¡disbursements' is vacated and set aside and the following decision is substituted therefor: Motion for an order directing payment of disbursements to appellant, the State Insurance Fund, by the Workmen’s Compensation Board, granted, and upon such payment the appeal is dismissed, as academic. Foster, P. J., Bergan, Halpern and Gibson, JJ., concur.

Claim of Ferencz v. Noma Electric Corp.
4 A.D.2d 997

Case Details

Claim of Ferencz v. Noma Electric Corp.
Decision Date
Nov 26, 1957

4 A.D.2d 997

New York



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