157 N.Y.S. 1150

WAHLE-PHILLIPS CO., Applt., v. Mary A. FITZGERALD, impld., Respt.

(Supreme Court, Appellate Division, First Department.

January 28, 1916.)

Judgment (83 Misc. Rep. 636, 146 N. Y. Supp. 562) affirmed, with costs, in Caldwell v. Glazier, 138 App. Div. 826, 123 N. Y. Supp. 622, with leave to the appellant to appeal from this order to the Court of Appeals. Order filed.

Wahle-Phillips Co. v. Fitzgerald
157 N.Y.S. 1150

Case Details

Wahle-Phillips Co. v. Fitzgerald
Decision Date
Jan 28, 1916

157 N.Y.S. 1150

New York



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