Volume 485, Federal Reporter 2d Series, Caselaw

A list of Volume 485, Federal Reporter 2d Series, caselaw.

Bassett v. Atlanta Independent School District

485 F.2d 1268 - United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit - 1973

United States v. Wertman

485 F.2d 566 - United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit - 1973

United States v. Banks

485 F.2d 545 - United States Court of Appeals for the First Circuit - 1973

Marston v. Oliver

485 F.2d 705 - United States Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit - 1973

Hartigh v. Latin

485 F.2d 1068 - United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit - 1973

Hale v. Henderson

485 F.2d 266 - United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit - 1973

Brooks v. Center Township

485 F.2d 383 - United States Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit - 1973

United States v. Santana

485 F.2d 365 - United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - 1973

Sedivy v. Richardson

485 F.2d 1115 - United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit - 1973

Wellford v. Battaglia

485 F.2d 1151 - United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit - 1973

Gaito v. Brierley

485 F.2d 86 - United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit - 1973

Stans v. Gagliardi

485 F.2d 1290 - United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit - 1973

National Ass'n for Advancement of Colored People v. Lansing Board of Education

485 F.2d 569 - United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit - 1973

Kelly v. Smith

485 F.2d 520 - United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit - 1973

Western Addition Community Organization v. National Labor Relations Board

485 F.2d 917 - United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit - 1973

Bebchick v. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Commission

485 F.2d 858 - United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit - 1973

Volume Jurisdictions