218 Pa. 161

Keystone Brewing Company, Appellant, v. Canavan.

Appeals — Final judgment — Interlocutory order — Quashing appeal.

An order in the following form, “judgment is directed non obstante veredicto in favor of the garnishee,” is not a final judgment, and an appeal taken from it will be quashed.

Motion to quash appeal.

From the record it appeared that the order from which the appeal was taken was as follows :

“ January 21, 1907, by opinion filed, judgment directed non obstante veredicto in favor of Thomas Forestal, the garnishee.

“ G. L. Halsey, Judge,

“ J. D. 45.” '

The garnishee moved to quash the appeal, citing Com. ex rel. v. Mitchell, 80 Pa. 57, and Watkins v. Hughes, 206 Pa. 526.

April 16, 1907 :

Per Curiam,

Appeal quashed.

Keystone Brewing Co. v. Canavan
218 Pa. 161

Case Details

Keystone Brewing Co. v. Canavan
Decision Date
Apr 16, 1907

218 Pa. 161




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