255 A.D. 920

City of Schenectady, Respondent, v. Robert J. Landon, Individually and as Executor, etc., of Judson S. Landon, Deceased, as Executor, etc., of Emily A. Landon, Deceased, and as Administrator, etc., of William P. Landon, Deceased, and William P. Landon, Appellants, and Others, Defendants.

Motion for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeals denied, with ten dollars costs. Present — Hill, P. J., Rhodes, MeNamee, Crapser and Heffernan, JJ.

City of Schenectady v. Landon
255 A.D. 920

Case Details

City of Schenectady v. Landon
Decision Date
Nov 23, 1938

255 A.D. 920

New York



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