47 A.D.2d 706

Cassiol Construction Co., Inc., Appellant-Respondent, v. Board of Education, Central School District No. 1, Towns of Eden, Evans, Boston and North Collins, Respondent-Appellant.

Judgment unanimously affirmed, without costs upon the opinion at Trial Term (King, J.). (Appeals from part of judgment of Erie Trial Term in action for insurance proceeds.) Present — Cardamone, J. P., Simons, Mahoney, Goldman and Witmer, JJ.

Cassiol Construction Co. v. Board of Education, Central School District No. 1, Towns of Eden, Evans, Boston & North Collins
47 A.D.2d 706

Case Details

Cassiol Construction Co. v. Board of Education, Central School District No. 1, Towns of Eden, Evans, Boston & North Collins
Decision Date
Feb 21, 1975

47 A.D.2d 706

New York



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