fkirkman76's avatar

Does the Colorado alimony formula apply during my divorce case?

Hi, I just filed for divorce against my wife and she is asking for alimony. Does the Colorado alimony formula apply during my divorce case?
fkirkman76 asked 6 years ago in Denver, Colorado
paul's avatar
paul responded 6 years ago
Hi @fkirkman76

Alimony that is ordered during a divorce case prior to the final divorce decree is referred to as temporary alimony. According to Colorado law, a court may award temporary alimony upon the request of either spouse. When ordering temporary alimony, a court is required to consider the Colorado alimony advisory guidelines formula and other relevant factors. However, when determining the duration of temporary alimony, a court may not apply the alimony duration as set forth in the table of guideline alimony durations.

In short, the Colorado alimony amount formula applies to temporary alimony, but the Colorado alimony duration formula does not.
fkirkman76's avatar
fkirkman76 responded 6 years ago
Thanks for this!

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