Do I add Illinois alimony payments made in the prior year to my spouse's gross income?
With the new Illinois alimony law in affect for the year 2019, my question is as follows. The Illinois alimony calculator asks what is the yearly income amount for spouse one. Let's say spouse one is me and I made $94,000 gross income for 2018. And we both shared 2 dependents. Let's also suppose that the second spouse's yearly gross income was $28,000 for 2018. However, the second spouse collected $14,000 in alimony in 2018 by a temporary alimony order. So, my question is, will the alimony amount and gross income amount for 2018 be added together to form a gross for the second spouse to determine the new amount for the 2019 alimony payment?
6 years ago
Hi @Rosado74
In Illinois, alimony that is paid to a recipient spouse in a prior year is not added to the recipient spouse’s gross income when calculating alimony in a subsequent year. So, when calculating 2019 Illinois alimony based on the information that you provided, your yearly gross income is $94,000 and your spouse’s yearly gross income is $28,000. You would enter these income amounts into the revelant inputs in the Illinois Maintenance Calculator.
In Illinois, alimony that is paid to a recipient spouse in a prior year is not added to the recipient spouse’s gross income when calculating alimony in a subsequent year. So, when calculating 2019 Illinois alimony based on the information that you provided, your yearly gross income is $94,000 and your spouse’s yearly gross income is $28,000. You would enter these income amounts into the revelant inputs in the Illinois Maintenance Calculator.
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