Beautyb's avatar

How do I calculate both Illinois child support and alimony together?

I want to file for a divorce and I used both the maintenance and child support calculator, but won't it be a combined amount my husband will be ordered to pay? Or are both amounts separate and accurate for each month?
Beautyb asked 5 years ago in Bridgeport, Illinois
paul's avatar
paul responded 6 years ago
Hi @Beautyb

If you are trying to calculate both Illinois child support and alimony together, then you must first calculate alimony. After you calculate alimony, reduce the payor's gross income by the alimony amount and increase the recipient's gross income by the alimony amount. Finally, calculate child support based on the spouses' new incomes.

If you would like, you can use the Illinois Child Support Calculator and select the option that allows you to calculate alimony and apply an alimony adjustment to the spouses' gross incomes. The Illinois Child Support Calculator will calculate alimony and make the necessary income adjustments automatically for you. Hope this helps!

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